Cyber Security

This cyber security training program, you will learn to approach cyber security offensively and defensively through real-world examples and exercises, hands-on labs and expert instruction. You will gain knowledge to close skill set gaps, meet and maintain mandates and sustain and retain a highly-qualified workforce to secure your critical systems and assets.

Cyber Security Class Content

Module 1

- Difference Between Information Security and Cyber Security

- The Trinity of IT Security - CIA

Module 2

- Basic Terminologies

- Computer Protocols

- Cookies

- The TCP/IP

Module 3

- What is NOT Hacking

- Types of Hackers

- The Hacking Methodology

- The WhoIS Query

Module 4

- What is Social Engineering?

- Reconnaissance Methods

- Anatomy of a Social Engineering Attack

Module 5

- Brute Force Attacks

- Phishing

- Bots and Botnets

Module 6

- DoS and DDoS

- Pings

- Man in the Middle Attacks

- SQL Injections

Module 7

- Introduction to Malware

- Viruses & Worms

- Antivirus

- Trojans

Module 8

- Adware and Spyware

- Ransomware - Cryptolocker, WannaCry, Bad Rabbit

- Other Types of Malware

Module 9

- Anti Virus

- Encryption

- Firewalls

- Biometrics

Module 10

- Factor Authentication Methods

- Honey Pots and DMZs

- Security for Wireless Networks

- Password Management

Module 11

- BYOD Management

- Mobile Device Management

- The Security vs Ease of Access Paradox

- The Weakest Link & The Disgruntled Employee

Module 12

- Introduction to Cyber Warfare

- The Attack Against Estonia

- Stuxnet and the Attack Against Iran

- The Sony Hack

Module 13

- What is Privacy, Anonymity and Pseudonymity

- Identity Strategies

- 5 Places You are Tracked Online

Module 14

- The Brave Browser

- How to Delete your Online Accounts

- How to Disappear Online

- Introduction to Stylometry

Module 15

- Annonymizer

- Introduction to Proxy Servers

- Introduction to VPNs

- Types of VPNs

- NordVPN

- VPN Myths Debunked

Module 16

- Introduction to Tor

- Tor Weaknesses

- Attacking Tor - The end to end Correlation Hack

- Accessing the Dark Web with Tor

- Darknets

Module 17

- How to Backup Your Computer

- What is the Cloud?

- Disk Encyrption

Module 18

- Encrypting with Veracrypt

- Encrypting Windows 10 with Bitlocker

- Encrypting Mac OS with FileVault

- Self Encrypting Drives

- Attacks Against Encryption

Module 19

- Email Basics, Protocols & Ports

- How to Track Sent Emails

- How to Detect Email Tracking

- Guerrilla Mail

- Introducing Proton Email

Module 20

- Patching and Updates

- Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Ad Tracking

- Windows 10 Privacy - Restricting Cortana

- Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Location Tracking

- Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Peer Updates

- Windows 10 Hardening - The Windows 10 Firewall

- Windows 10 Hardening - Enabling the Smart Screen Filter

- Windows 10 Hardening - Randomizing the MAC Address

Course Content



Module 1

-   Difference Between Information Security and Cyber Security

-   The Trinity of IT Security – CIA



Module 2

-   Basic Terminologies

-   Computer Protocols

-   Cookies

-   The TCP/IP



Module 3

-   What is NOT Hacking

-   Types of Hackers

-   The Hacking Methodology

-   The WhoIS Query


Module 4


-  What is Social Engineering?

-  Reconnaissance Methods

-  Anatomy of a Social Engineering Attack


Module 5


-  Brute Force Attacks

-  Phishing

-  Bots and Botnets



Module 6


-  DoS and DDoS

-  Pings

-  Man in the Middle Attacks

-  SQL Injections


Module 7

-   Introduction to Malware

-   Viruses & Worms

-   Antivirus

-   Trojans


Module 8

-   Adware and Spyware

-   Ransomware - Cryptolocker, WannaCry, Bad Rabbit

-   Other Types of Malwares



Module 9

-   Anti Virus

-   Encryption

-   Firewalls

-   Biometrics



Module 10

-   Factor Authentication Methods

-   Honey Pots and DMZs

-   Security for Wireless Networks

-   Password Management



Module 11

-   BYOD Management

-   Mobile Device Management

-   The Security vs Ease of Access Paradox

-   The Weakest Link & The Disgruntled Employee



Module 12

-   Introduction to Cyber Warfare

-   The Attack Against Estonia

-   Stuxnet and the Attack Against Iran

-   The Sony Hack


Module 13

-   What is Privacy, Anonymity and Pseudonymity

-   Identity Strategies

-   5 Places You are Tracked Online



Module 14

-   The Brave Browser

-   How to Delete your Online Accounts

-   How to Disappear Online

-   Introduction to Stylometry


Module 15

-   Annonymizer

-   Introduction to Proxy Servers


-   Introduction to VPNs

-   Types of VPNs

-   NordVPN

-   VPN Myths Debunked



Module 16

-   Introduction to Tor

-   Tor Weaknesses

-   Attacking Tor - The end-to-end Correlation Hack

-   Accessing the Dark Web with Tor

-   Darknets


Module 17

-   How to Backup Your Computer

-   What is the Cloud?

-   Disk Encryption



Module 18

-   Encrypting with Veracrypt

-   Encrypting Windows 10 with Bitlocker

-   Encrypting Mac OS with FileVault

-   Self Encrypting Drives

-   Attacks Against Encryption



Module 19

-   Email Basics, Protocols & Ports

-   How to Track Sent Emails

-   How to Detect Email Tracking

-   Guerrilla Mail

-   Introducing Proton Email




Module 20

-   Patching and Updates

-   Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Ad Tracking

-   Windows 10 Privacy - Restricting Cortana

-   Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Location Tracking

-   Windows 10 Privacy - Turning off Peer Updates

-   Windows 10 Hardening - The Windows 10 Firewall

-   Windows 10 Hardening - Enabling the Smart Screen Filter

-   Windows 10 Hardening - Randomizing the MAC Address

Training Class Day Class Time Start Date End Date Class Mode Request Info
Cyber Security Training TuesdayThursday 08:30pm - 10:30pm
Feb 4th Apr 1st Online Req. Info
Cyber Security Training TuesdayThursday 08:30pm - 10:30pm
Apr 8th Jun 3rd Online Req. Info